SCC's Product Showcase Webinars

Product showcase webinars will be presented by a domain expert in the field and will be followed with a Q&A session. All webinars will be presented on Thursdays at 12:00pm E.T. in order to provide consistent timeslots for advance planning.

Upcoming Product Showcase Webinars
Aug 22, 2024
SoftBiobank® New Features

  • Registration Samples for Autologous Transplantation (conduct the processing)
  • Batch Registration Process to Store the Samples and Assign Them to the Study (proceed with the experiment, update the data)
  • Sending a Sample to Transplantation by Shipment Entry
Aug 29, 2024
SoftBiochemistry New Features

Click Here to Register for the Product Showcase Webinar Series

Past Product Showcase Webinars
Jul 25, 2024
SoftBI® New Features
(SoftBI )

  • SoftID®
  • TQC
  • Future SoftBI Implementations
Jul 11, 2024
Global Media New Features

  • Batch Scanning: Quick Launch, Unlocking Batches, Supervisor Edit, Site Level Security
  • Single Scanning: One Click Scanning
  • Users: Configuration
Apr 18, 2024
SoftExpressPlus® New Features

  • Client Relations Management/Inventory Management
  • Courier Tracking
  • Home Care Functionality
Apr 11, 2024
General Client Services

  • Introduction to Client Services
  • Understanding Client Needs & Examples of How We Gather Feedback From Clients
  • Importance of Communication and Support
  • Commitment to Problem Resolution
  • Partnership Approach
Mar 28, 2024
SoftWebPlus® New Features

  • Copy Setups Between Environments
  • Auto Population of Address Fields
  • Manage Orders View Improvement
  • Addition of Employer Data and Alias Name Fields
Past Webinars Archive