Laboratory Information Systems Suite (LIS) - SCC Soft Computer

SCC's Laboratory Information Systems Suite®

Maximize resources without compromising patient care with SCC’s Laboratory Information Systems Suite. There has never been such a comprehensive suite of LIS software designed to address your laboratory’s every need.

SCC’s Laboratory Information Systems Suite focuses on optimizing your laboratory operations, while providing consistent connectivity to laboratory instruments, robotics, and other information systems. These integrated solutions eliminate the need for costly add-ons while providing seamless interfaces linking all clinical laboratory departments throughout your provider network. SCC’s Laboratory Information Systems can be customized to match your organization’s workflows, provide increased flexibility, and enable your staff to optimize productivity.

Advances in technology have led to improvements in laboratory information systems. Healthcare organizations seeking cost effective multi-site and core laboratory solutions turn to the power and flexibility of SCC’s Laboratory Suite. Whether used as an integrated suite or as standalone products, SoftLab® (laboratory/LIS), SoftMic® (microbiology), and SoftTotalQC® (quality control) provide flexibility, safety, and functionality to a variety of users.


SCC Soft Computer's LIS solution (SoftLab) provides quantifiable improvements in clinical outcomes, workflow efficiencies, and return on investment. Combined with its advanced integration capabilities, it is easy to understand why SoftLab is in use at many of the largest and most sophisticated hospital and laboratory environments around the world.

SoftLab is a premier LIS that helps clients reach top productivity in the laboratory environment. It provides healthcare facilities with full multisite consolidation, flexible patient and management reporting, specimen tracking, and more.

Organizations using SoftLab will appreciate significant productivity enhancements thanks to the systems critical result warning function, extensive call-management feature, and superior rules-based auto-verification. In addition, SoftLab provides improved fiscal management by greatly improving charge captures, reducing processing days in accounts receivable, and eliminating over-utilization, duplicate test orders, and combine test orders.

SoftLab is built on the latest modem multi-tier client/server architecture. This includes CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) and Web Services, which promote enterprise-wide connectivity and allow the incorporation of new technologies. Information displayed onscreen is updated automatically and in real-time, making new critical patient data available instantly. Parallel processing is also utilized, minimizing system slowdown, even during peak volumes.

There's good reason that SCC's SoftLab LIS system has long been recognized as the market standard for its strength and performance.

Outstanding features of SoftLab include:

  • Comprehensive multisite integration/consolidation
  • Integrated outreach and call list management
  • Rules-based system
  • Embedded Master Patient Index
  • Robotics ready
  • Parallel processing
  • CORBA application
  • Internet enabled


Part of SCC's Laboratory Information Systems Suite®, this powerful microbiology information solution has the most flexible and comprehensive features available on the market today. More than a sophisticated workflow management tool, SoftMic's advanced system architecture allows real-time patient results to be readily available throughout the enterprise, improving the quality and delivery time of patient care. SoftMic automates the processing of specimens through all stages from order entry, processing, and workup to final reporting. This powerful module creates a true paperless environment. This includes paperless workcards, result entry, and management reports, to substantially improve testing accuracy, report uniformity, and, with automated batch resulting, turn-around times (TAT).

Designed for unlimited scalability and flexibility, SoftMic is versatile enough for single or multisite environments. SoftMic allows generating media and tests based on ordering location or workstation, including the creation of location-specific user defined suppression rules. SoftMic provides site-specific customizable cascading keypads for result entry. In addition, epidemiology reports can be generated for each location.

When managing microbiology requires a high-tech solution, SoftMic is the answer.

  • True paperless microbiology solution
  • Automated batch resulting
  • Infection control notification
  • Full spectrum epidemiology reporting
  • Definable expert rules
  • Scalable multisite functionality
  • CORBA, PUSH technology for dynamic screens with real-time data
  • Track micro containers individually and qualify them to a worklist based on defined specimen tracking stops


SoftTotalQC is a multi-module, multi-site capable product developed to facilitate and analyze quality control efforts in the clinical laboratory setting. Quality control activities can be defined and documented on controls, reagents, media, panels, and drugs and maintenance procedures on equipment. Along with qualify control, SoftTotalQC provides an inventory control solution allowing each department and site to maintain their supply of controls, reagents, media, panels, drugs, and consumables.

SoftTotalQC is fully integrated with SoftLab®, SoftMic®, SoftBiochemistry®, SoftFlowcytometry®, SoftMolecular®, SoftCytogenetics®, and SoftHLA® providing the ability to perform QC checks before patient results are posted or entered, allowing QC results to be posted from instruments or manually entered within patient resulting workflow, and providing an automatic inventory countdown for related QC items. SoftTotalQC can be used in all other departments of the laboratory as a standalone product.

SoftTotalQC, assuring quality through total quality control management.