Page 16 - index
P. 16

Laboratory Leaders

                                                        We stand on the shoulders of giants.  Most of us take for
                                                        granted earlier discoveries that are the foundation of our
                                                           work today.  In our Q3 2018 edition, we introduced an exploration
                                                                of teamwork in the laboratory.  The focus of our Laboratory
                                                                   Leaders feature starting in our Q4 2018 edition and
                                                                     continuing in the next several issues is Power Teams
                                                                      in the Laboratory.  We’re examining major
                                                                      discoveries made by scientists who collaborated
                                                                      with others and were supported by teams
                                                                       as they conducted their work.  For these
                                                                       “power couples,”  teamwork really did make
                                                                       the dream work, and it continues to pave
                                                                        the way for others.

          Power Teams in the Laboratory

                  Part 2a:  Pierre and Marie Skłodowska Curie | a marriage of minds

                        “It would be a beautiful thing, a thing I dare not hope, if we could spend our life near each other,
                      hypnotized by our dreams:  your patriotic dream, our humanitarian dream, and our scientific dream.
                        We can aspire to accomplish something ... every discovery, however small, is a permanent gain.”
                                            ~Pierre Curie, in a letter to Maria Skłodowska

        W     hen it comes to power teams in the laboratory, there is perhaps no other couple more widely known
              than Pierre and Marie Curie, who came together through a shared love of science and research.
              The Curies spent their marriage working side by side, sharing groundbreaking scientific discoveries.
        They are best known for their pioneering work as a team in the study of radioactivity, which led to their
        discovery in 1898 of the elements radium and polonium—and their subsequent shared Nobel Prize
        in Physics in 1903.

        SCC Quarterly | Volume 5 • Issue 1 | Laboratory Leaders
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