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Client Services Update

        We want to hear from YOU!

        The SCC Soft Computer Client Services team is genuinely seeking to be the best in the industry.
        In 2018, we are increasing the focus of our attention on YOU:  our customers, and most
        valuable assets.

        One of the methods we use to measure how we’re doing is our CLIENT SATISFACTION
        EVENT SURVEY, which we send regularly for support tasks.

            As you may have noticed, we have made some changes to this survey.

               In an effort to be more proactive, we have added an additional industry standard
                  called the NET PROMOTER SCORE (NPS), a Client Loyalty metric.

               The modified event survey is now more concise and presents you with additional
                  opportunities to provide feedback, which may also include a discussion with
                  a support manager to review your experience.

        Rest assured, we will learn from each survey:  YOUR FEEDBACK WILL BE LEVERAGED.

        Patrice Nedelec, SCC’s Vice President of Client Services, Global Implementation, Regulatory Affairs & QA,
        Education, will personally review the surveys that show either a high score, or a score below target.

                     OUR COMMITMENT TO YOU:

               Your comments, suggestions, questions, and concerns will be
                  taken into account by SCC and our Client Services team.
               Our priority is making your future experiences more favorable.

        We hope you will view these new event surveys as a method
        for you to let us know precisely HOW we can improve your
        experience SUSTAINABLY.

        On behalf of the SCC Soft Computer team, thank you for choosing
        SCC as your laboratory and genetics information systems vendor.
        You remain at the heart of everything we do.  Thank you for your
        continued support.

        SCC Quarterly | Volume 4 • Issue 1 | Client Services Update
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