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A new look for the New Year:

        Welcome to SCC Quarterly

        For our first issue of our 2018 quarterly               We want SCC Quarterly to be a meaningful way
        announcements, we are pleased to present you            to communicate with our friends and clients.
        our new format, SCC Quarterly, to provide you           All meaningful communication must go both
        an easy-to-use source for quarterly updates             ways, so we cordially invite you to stay in
        on progress here at SCC Soft Computer.                  touch with us and share what’s on your mind.
        SCC Quarterly is news you can use.                      At the end of each article, you’ll find a way to
        This information can help make your lab                 give us feedback, share your ideas, and have
        increasingly efficient, enable you to do more           your questions answered.  Simply click the
        tests, improve turnaround times, and continue           e-mail link to
        to make your customers (both doctors
        and patients) happy that they turn to you               We look forward to hearing from you.
        for vital clinical services.                            Enjoy reading SCC Quarterly!
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